Daily Post


Only for a split second did I doubt my son working two jobs, attending school full-time and graduating from college debt free was better than him not working at all with the possibility of graduating with a 4.0  (which might have assisted him with securing an Engineering job by now). Even with minimal sleep and all of the sacrifices made, he still managed to achieve a 3.39 G.P.A! He graduated last May and is still in search of his first Engineering position almost a year later. This fact is still hard to digest, has he become a statistic?


I took a cold shower and had a reality check! How PHENOMENAL is it that this 23-year-old has his entire future ahead of him and can do and go wherever his heart leads! With no debt of any kind, he is not chained to past mistakes wishing he weren’t suffocating in a dead-end job that is slowly killing him. Unlike most college graduates, even the ones that were blessed with employment right away, he has the freedom to pursue his passions without a dark cloud of debt dictating his every move for the rest of his life.


While I’m disappointed that he has not yet landed a job in his chosen field, I no longer doubt that allowing him the dignity of becoming a responsible adult and working himself through college was the right decision!


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