

I’m excited to be in the process of writing my first book, my conundrum is what to title it. The good news is that I have it narrowed down to only two choices. The bad news is that I can’t decide which one.

Initially, I was planning to call it Renewal Of The Mind because I had to change my way of thinking in order to achieve certain goals I thought were unattainable (based on old mindsets and habits) at the onset. It wasn’t until I changed my environment that I could see possibilities from a new light.


However, I was in my place of worship and the discussion was on how negative situations can provoke us into becoming what or who we should have been from the beginning. Some of us have taken a detour and haven’t yet found our way back to the right path. That resonated with me because every single goal I’ve  ever achieved is simply because of the pain associated with the catalyst. I had to be provoked into my purpose each time before I would even attempt the unimaginable! The pain of the situation had to become unbearable enough for me to take action.  The second title up for consideration is  Provoked Into My Purpose.

Which title would provoke YOU to pick up my book, Renewal of the Mind, or Provoked Into My Purpose? Why? Inquiring minds would like to know!

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